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CEPA | Activities
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Founded in 2013, the Centre for Economics and Public Administration (CEPA) provides an independent European platform for researchers and practitioners to develop, exchange and publish innovative approaches to current issues in the fields of Economic Policy and Public Administration.

Public Administration

CEPA concentrates on the research of multi-level governance structures and processes at all levels, from the European Union to the individual citizen. Our aim is to explore the complex interactions at each level, provide insights and contribute to the dialogue between academia, practitioners, politicians and civil society, in particular.

Re-engaging the European citizen: facilitating communication and promoting participation
  • A European narrative: the Union and the nation state
  • Reaching the citizen: communication and technology
  • Democracy and participation: empowering the citizen
The virtual borders of the State: legal and practical challenges of 21st Century governance
  • Multi-level governance and democratic accountability: the State and its structures and processes
  •  Co-operation, co-option and control: the State and the private sector
  •  The new boundaries of the individual sphere: the State and its citizens
Stability, fairness and sustainable prosperity: restoring balance in an era of volatility and change
  • Public interest and public value creation: interpretations of the social contract
  • Public-sector innovation: permission to engage
  • Defend achievements and harness potential
  • Reduce complexity and improve transparency
  • Facilitate communication and encourage engagement

Economic Policy and Finance

CEPA concentrates on the research of economic policies at the global and European Union level, with a particular emphasis on the digital economy and the financial sector. Our aim is to identify and analyse global challenges, provide insights and assist in developing appropriate policy responses.

Stability, fairness and sustainable prosperity: restoring balance in an era of volatility and change
  • Finance, the public sector and the ‘real economy’: reordering priorities
  • The global financial architecture: improving transparency and accountability
  • Financial stability as a ‘public good’: ending ‘too big to fail’
Digitalisation of finance: how not to repeat past mistakes
  • Digital convergence: new entrants, old concerns
  • Privacy and data security: protecting citizens rights
  • Competition policy: preserving diversity
  • Chart pathways for a return to environmental and economic sustainability
  • Redress structural imbalances to reduce economic and social inequality
  • Stabilise the financial system, remove ‘moral hazard’ and restore accountability
  • Make financial-sector digitalisation safe and secure for citizens and society